GENSym - Diffusion MRI simulator


This tutorial describes the use of GENSym Matlab toolkit for simulating diffusion MRI data in various substrates.

The novelty of GENSym is that it allows the user to create a flexible diffusion gradient waveform. It assumes a basic understanding of diffusion MRI pulse sequences, including more advanced sequences such as square and trapezoidal oscillating gradients. The diffusion signal is calculated using the matrix formalism detailed in Drobnjak et al. 2010 and Drobnjak et al. 2011 . The existing parametrizations for square and trapezoidal oscillating gradients follow the description in Ianus et al. 2012 . The diffusion substrates available in GENSym are the basic compartments presented in Panagiotaki et al. 2011, as well as some two- and three-compartment models of white matter.

Terms and Conditions

GENSym is distributed under the Artistic License 2.0. The full text of the license can be found here .


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Getting started

After unpacking the zip file, open GENSym/examples/RunGEN.m. This script file contains a detailed explanation of all the necessary steps to generate the diffusion signal for a test case of square oscillating gradients.