Gary Zhang, Ph.D.
Professor of Computational Imaging
Centre for Medical Image Computing
UCL Department of Computer Science
Office: Front Engineering Building, Rm 3.03
Tel: +44 (0)20 3108 1620
Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 0255
- NODDI: Clinically feasible imaging of brain tissue microstructure
NODDI is a new diffusion MRI technique for imaging brain tissue microstructure. Compared to DTI, it has the advantage of providing measures of tissue microstructure that are much more direct and hence more specific. It achieves this by adopting the model-based strategy which relates the signals from diffusion MRI to geometric models of tissue microstructure. In contrast to typical model-based techniques, NODDI is much more clinically feasible and can be acquired on standard MR scanners with an imaging time comparable to DTI. You can learn more by having a look at the ISMRM 2012 presentation or refer to our NeuroImage paper. The matlab routine for fitting NODDI data is also provided.
- Matlab toolbox
- ISMRM 2012 presentation (:toggle init=hide button=1 div=noddi :)
- DTI-TK: Optimized image analysis pipeline for diffusion MRI
- DTI-TK homepage
- Ranked the best tool for DTI registration/spatial normalization in a 2011 study
- ISMRM 2011 tutorial (:toggle init=hide button=1 div=group_analysis :)